If you contact us about a translation or edit, we will need some idea of the size of the job and the subject matter in order to be able to give you a quote and timeline.If you already have the document, you can just send that to us. Otherwise we will need a rough estimate of the number of words and we will also need to know whether the translation document concerns specialist subject matter (e.g. financial, medical or IT). We also like to know the purpose of the translated document: a text for a website or marketing material requires a difference approach (and more time) compared with a user manual, for instance.
Please let us know if you have a specific deadline. In general, we are usually able to do small urgent translations (up to 300 words) on the same day but we get pretty booked up and for larger translations of several thousand words we prefer a week’s warning if possible. For very large translations of ten thousand words or more we can also do part deliveries.
Based on all this information, we will give you a quote for the total costs and our best possible delivery date and time. In the case of an edit we generally work on an hourly basis. We will give you an estimate of the number of hours. We can also agree a maximum number of hours beforehand if wished.
If you confirm that our offer is acceptable, we will plan your translation or edit job in our schedule.
Though we prefer to receive documents in Word, we accept a range of formats, including Excel, PowerPoint and PDF. You can send the document by e-mail or, if it is very large, by FTP.
Please note that our default for translations and editing is UK English. So if you require US English, please let us know! You can also help us get a better translation result by giving us additional information such as any standard company terminology, previous translations of similar documents or website links for background.
In the case of translations, we will deliver the translated document in Word. At your request we can also deliver the translation memory and/or the bilingual document in the agreed CAT tool. For larger translations, we will often also deliver a "notes and queries" file explaining certain translation choices and documenting any queries that were discussed in the course of the translation.
In the case of editing, we will deliver the revised document in Word with our revisions in Track Changes. This way, you can see what we have done and can accept or reject as wished.
Our service does not end when we send you the translation or edited document. We will also be on hand to answer any queries you might have afterwards. This is most common in marketing texts or books where it is important to get just the right nuance.
Our standard procedure is to invoice after the end of the month in which the job was delivered. Large jobs covering several months are invoiced in instalments. If you have any specific invoicing requirements, please state them when sending us the translation so that our admin assistant can take them into account. She will contact you anyway if you are a new client to get the information we need for correct invoicing.